Thursday, February 7, 2013

3. Education stirs much discussion relating to the issue of federalism. Should the national government regulate education or is it a matter best left to state and local governments? Why?

The national government should regulate education. Some states might regulate education well, while other states may do a poorer job, and therefore hurting the student in return. Also, some states cannot figure out their finances as well as others. The national government could set up standards that could be challenging and fund the schools, therefore helping students. In return this would better a nation.


  1. First, I just want to say that it would be easier to both read and comment on your blogs if you did all questions each week in a single blog... Now, I do agree that education should be nationalized, as it would serve our children much better in preparing them for society. Today, it is necessary for us to think of how each individual can compete in the world, not just in one's own local area. With technology and the ability to travel the entire world much more quickly today, teaching a child on the basis that he or she will only be working on a farm or at a local business is simply not doing that child any favors, or society for that matter. Every child must be taught on the supposition that he or she may travel elsewhere in the world one day and be able to communicate and compete in an ever-changing world that is changing at warp speed.

  2. I agree with you that education should be nationalized. Some children have a hard time with school.If schools would also help teach and prepare our children for society I think our children would be better off when getting out into the real world.

  3. I can not agree with you more. I know of some kids out of HS that have no idea how to even balance their check books let alone have a budget for them to run on! I think in some ways the government needs to step it up!
