Monday, February 11, 2013

1. Freedom of Speech: How important is it? Does the freedom go "too far"? What areas of speech should not be protected?

Freedom of speech is very important because it gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion. Without freedom of speech, the government would get to make all the decisions. Freedom of speech also lets us give our opinions about the government without legal trouble. Sometimes our freedom of speech seems to go too far and certain ones should not be protected. I do not think it is right for a person to go as far as saying "bomb" on a plane as a prank or hate speeches. Everyone should have the right to voice their opinion as long as it does not get to out of control.


  1. I think you make an execellent point. Freedom of speech does indeed allow us to access the gateways of our government without having to worry about being charged for doing so.

  2. I agree, Freedom of Speech is a natural and important right. We all need to feel comfortable voicing our opinions so our government understands and is aware of our issues and troubles. However Hate Speeches and Speech Codes are not necessary. People just need to learn to have common courtesy, which is not a very practical thought.

  3. I agree that freedom of speech allows everyone a chance to voice their opinions fairly and also that the government would have far too much say without it. Also the bomb prank was never funny as a prank, anyone who does that needs to feel the shame.

  4. I think that it gets out of control when someone ends up getting hurt by someone else freedom. If someone gets hurt because you yell "bomb" on a plane,then you should be held accountable for the result of your actions. The thing about all freedoms is there should be some accountability so that we can hold on to our freedoms.
