Friday, February 8, 2013

2. National power increased during the Great Depression but then power began to shift back to the states (somewhat) during the Reagan administration? Why did that happen and is that shift appropriate?

The national power increased during the Great Depression because the stock market had crashed and the people wanted national action to aid the economy. The power, then began to shift back to the states during the Reagan administration due to the economy picking back up. The shift was appropriate, different situations call for different solutions. At the times national government is better, while other times prove that power to the states is better.


  1. I agree with you. I also think that the jobs that were created to bring America out of the Great Depression showed the correct use of the national government. Without this shift in power I believe the Great Depression would have lasted much longer than it did.

  2. I think that different situations call for different form of action. National government taking over during the Great Depression was the right action during that time. Coming out of the Great Depression, national government wasn't the right action so shifting to state government was the right action.
