Friday, May 3, 2013

Blogs I commented on:

Gabrielle Miller, Jessica Armes, and Albert Munoz

Chapter 14

1. Read online bio's of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices.  What do you find interesting about their backgrounds?  Pick one of the Justices, read about cases this Justice has written (majority or dissent) and explain whether you agree or disagree with his/her judicial philosophy.

I find it interesting that all U.S. Supreme Court Justices were all appointed to the United States Court of Appeals. Also most all of the Supreme Court Justices either went to Harvard Law School or Yale. They all seemed to graduate at the top of their class as well. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court since 1993. She focuses on women's rights and the feminist criticism of law. I agree with her judicial philosophy because she is for women's rights. She worked on various feminist causes. She also helped write the ACLU brief in Reed v. Reed of 1971, where the Supreme Court struck down an Idaho law that preferred men over women as executors of estates. Another case that promoted gender equity was Weinberger v. Wiesenfed of 1975, in which she represented a male plaintiff to demonstrate a particular law's disparate impact. After a man's wife died, Mr. Wiesenfeld received Social Security survivor benefits lower than those a woman would have received. The Court ruled that "[b]y providing dissimilar treatment for mean and women who are... similarly situated, the challenged section violates the [Due Process] Clause." Ginsburg was very persistent with her cases and made a lot of great efforts for women.

2. Is Judicial Review a power that should be exercised regularly or sparingly?  Why?

Judicial Review is the authority of courts to declare laws passed by Congress and acts of the executive branch to be unconstitutional. I feel that the courts are doing a good job with judicial review, therefore it should be used as it is, regularly. Judicial review has helped to strike down segregated schools in Brown v. Board of Education, as well as the anti-abortion laws of forty-seven states in Roe v. Wade, and to rule on the Michigan affirmative action cases. The Supreme Court also granted itself the power in the case of Marbury v. Madison. It seems that Judicial Review helps the nation, so that Congress does not make laws that are unconstitutional.

3. Is it the job of the High Court to apply the Constitution in light of the intent of the framers of the Constitution (strict construction) or should they interpret the Constitution in light of changes in society/technology (living Constitution)?  Why?

This is a very hard question to answer. I have done a little bit of research and some say that the Constitution is a living Constitution, because there has been many amendments made to it already. Different situation call for different answers, so sometimes it is better to use strict construction and other times it is better to use the living Constitution. I do feel though that times have changed since the framers were around, so the living Constitution may be better, because it would reflect a time of changes in society and technology.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Blogs I have commented on:

Chelsea Dunn, Jessica Armes, and Kristy Jones

Chapter 13 Blog

1. Research federal agencies and explain which one you feel is the most important one and why?

I feel that the Children's Bureau is the most important federal agency. It was the first federal agency dedicated to the welfare of children. It addressed some of the Nation's major social issues throughout history. The early emphasis was on infant immortality, dependent children, and child labor. Today the focus is on child abuse, neglect prevention, foster care, and adoption services. It is important to protect the young children, because they are our future. This federal agency was a very important role in our future.

2. Which federal agency could be terminated with the least impact (if any) and why?

All of the federal agencies seem to play an important role in today's society. I feel that none could really be terminated without causing a huge impact on how we live.

3. Are any new agencies needed?  In other words, if you were president would you create new agencies?  If so, in what area(s)?

I am not sure if any new federal agencies are really needed. There are a ton of federal agencies that cover all kinds of subjects. If someone presented me with an area that needed a federal agency, then I would give a great deal of thought, before creating a new one.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chapter 12 Blog

1. What makes a great President (not which Presidents have been great) . . . what qualities are essential to greatness?  Why?

There are many qualities that are essential for a President to be great. A president needs to be trustworthy, accountable, responsive to the needs of the people, caring, able to remain calm in stressful situations, make the right decision in situations, make sure the laws are equal, and be an overall a well-rounded person.

2. Other than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, which two Presidents have been the greatest and why?

Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy have been great Presidents. Roosevelt was faced with problems as soon as he stepped foot in the office. First he had to deal with the depression. He declared bank holidays which closed all banks; they were then opened a few at a time with government help. He got congress to pass laws which helped farmers, small businesses and people who were about to lose their homes during that time. He changed the course of American government. He did so much and helped the U.S. out of this crisis. Kennedy was a very likable president, which his charismatic charm . He brought many teachers, writers, scientists, and different intellectuals into the government. His speech was great as he called for service to his countrymen. He also established the Peace Corps in order to help the undeveloped nations and was very devoted to working hard for new civil rights laws. He even diffused the tensions between two countries on the verge of war. He was very inspiring, even though he only served as the president for a brief period of time. In this little bit of time, he achieved a lot.

3. Research a President that you're previously unfamiliar with - list at least three things you learned.  Was this President effective?  Why or why not?

Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president. He began to reform the federal government and at the same time improve civil service to get better workers. He carefully looked at every bill the congress passed and vetoed many of them he thought were not beneficial to the country. He boosted the navy by getting them the best ships as well. When a railroad strike in Chicago interfered with the mail, he sent the federal troops at once to clear up the matter. He worked hard and honestly throughout his term.