Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1. Why is the United States Constitution stronger than the Articles of Confederation? How would the history of the United States have been different if the country still operated under the Articles?

The United States Constitution is stronger than the Articles of Confederation because the Constitution has more structure and order. The Constitution also has a checks and balances system that states each branch has some power over the other two branches of government. The Articles of Confederation emphasized too much on freedom from national authority and not enough on order. If the United States still operated under the Articles, it would be in a bigger mess than it already is. The United States would have not been able to govern very effectively under the Articles. Congress would not have the authority to operate directly over citizens of the United States. Thanks to Shays's Rebellion and the delegates compromising on slavery between the north and south and representation on small and large states, the United States Constitution was made.


  1. I agree the if we still operated under the Articles of Confederation it would be a huge mess. With the checks and balances of the Constitution it works a whole lot better all of the branches can keep each other in line without giving more power to one or the other.If we didn't have this everything would go down hill fast.

  2. I am so glad we don't operate under the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution has so much more structure and I feel like it is more secure. The system of checks and balances is such a great thing to have. It keeps issues from becoming one sided and assures that no one branch has complete power.
