Friday, April 5, 2013

Chapter 10

1. Read Bush v. Gore in the text.  Do you agree with the majority or the dissenting opinion?  Why?

I agree with the dissenting opinion. It is not right to just go by what machine had counted, because the machine will not read a ballot unless the chad- to be punched out by the voter- is completely removed. A hand count might have been able to determine the voter's intent from a "hanging" or "dimpled" chad- indented but not sufficiently punched out so as to break off or even break the corners. Also the decision of the deadline for the recount, made it impossible to recount in such a short time. Therefore the Florida's recount procedures violate the equal protection clause, because of the insufficient time to conduct a recount.

2. Is the ability to fundraise too important in elections?  In other words, are good candidates prevented from running because they cannot raise the needed funds?  Can/should something be done to correct this if it is a problem?

Fund raising is too important in elections. Good candidates are prevented from running because they cannot raise the needed funds. The amount of money required to wage a competitive contest for a seat in Congress is formidable, and it gives an advantage to those who are personally wealthy and able to make good use of personal or business connections. Something needs and should be done to correct this problem. It is not fair to everyone running.

3. Why is there such voter apathy - in other words, why is there often such low voter turnout for elections?  Is there a way to rectify this problem?

Not everyone has the inclination or the desire to vote. Failure to vote has real implications for the political process, it affects which representatives govern and make laws. Data suggest that those who are most likely to vote tend to be better educated, better paid, and older. There are some modest race and gender differences. Compared to the other democracies, turnout in the United States is near the very bottom. One reason the turnout is low has to do with rules for voting. Another reason has to do with the convenience of voting. Many younger people tend not to vote as well. Also there has been a decline of party organizations. Also another reason for the low turnout is the increasingly harsh tone of political campaigns. Maybe if voting was made more convenient and the government tried to appeal to everyone instead of just the older, more educated people the turnout would be much higher.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I do not think that it is right to go by what a machine has counted either. We all know how touchy machines can be anyway. People have stupid little problems out of their cell phones, televisions, and computers every day. I don’t think a hand count is too much to ask for when you are trying to figure out what your future is really going to look like.
