Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 7

1. Does objectivity still exist in the media's coverage of politics?  Of the major news outlets (CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, NPR, NBC, etc.), which are the most objective and which seem to have the most bias?

Objectivity still exists in the media's coverage of politics, but there is always going to be subjective judgments, personal values, and prejudices. When some one is announcing an issue, they will let you know the facts; But they will also put in their point of view and let you know what they feel about it. Many major news outlets are biased. The news medias that seem the most biased are fox news and MSNBC. People who listen to the conservvative network Fox are going to have a different viewpoint than those who listen MSNBC. CNN seems to be the most objective of all the major news outlets.

 2. How does talk radio (Rush Limbaugh, Keith Olbermann, etc.) affect your view of politics?  Why?

Talk radio does not really affect my view of politics, because I usually do not listen to talk radio in the car. I prefer to listen to music, but if I do hear about an issue then I go with what they say. When I go to tell my mom or husband about the issue, they feel a different way, due to who they listened to. Sometimes we hear different stories and it gets turned all around. Talk radio sometimes does not give all the fact, instead they give their own viewpoint with partial facts. 

3. Is media objectivity important?  Why or why not?

Media objectivity is important, more media networks need to be more objective and less biased. I would rather hear about the facts of an issue or news piece, than listen to someone's opinions with partial facts. It is important for the media to remain object, so the public is informed correctly and be able to make their own judgment about the issue at hand with all the facts and no person opinions of the media. 


  1. Miss Ashley, I tend to somewhat agree to disagree with you about objectivity in the news. I think on a per station basis that the majority of the stations tend to lean either one way or the other. If you take all of the news stations as a whole, I do agree that there is objectivity in the news by allowing us to choose one station over the other depending on how we want to hear the news. I agree with you that CNN tends to be the most unbiased news out there at this time.

  2. I def agree with you when it comes to you stating about the media objectivity!!! I wish they would just shut up and report the news not what they think or believe. Their job is to report the news not their opinions. I wish you would listen to Rush Limbaugh and see if you still feel the same after listening to his radio talk show! Maybe you might thik diff about how it might effect your feelings! And I defagree with you as far as how the media will always have their side depending on what side the newstation leans towards. Great post!

  3. I agree with you about the last question objectivity is important. Mainly because it's not their job to state their opinion on a story or issue it's their job to simply report so everyone else knows about it.

  4. I also agree with you that most people will put in their point of view and let you know how they feel. I also agree with you that CNN seems to be the most objective. I also would rather hear the facts hearing the facts makes it more clear and hearing someone’s opinion just makes me feel like they are trying to persuade me to support their side.

  5. I agree with you on your last question. I think that the news media should just give us the facts, not there opinion and partial facts. At least the could just give us the news. I, also, agree with you that CNN is the most bias.

  6. I'm with you on talk radio. When in the car I like to listen to music to make me happy while driving. My dad listening to Rush Limbaugh and although he doesn't agree with everything he says, he still feels the need to call all of us and tell us about the latest issue being talked about. We do not always share the interest that he does. I'm like you if its important enough, I will look it up.
